A downloadable game

Made for the Brackeys GameJam 2021.1 by Yuqzii and Obease Muffin

A and D to move and Space to jump
Press Tab to switch between characters

Pay attention to the number in the upper right corner on your screen, this is your strength, if it reaches 0 you die. The closer the characters are the higher your strength will be.


Close.zip 25 MB


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This is actually a really solid game! Idea is unique, well executed, I found entertainment out of it :D

So sorry I haven't replied to any of the awesome feedback, I left for a holiday a couple days before the jam ended so I didn't have time to reply. Thanks for the feedback!

cool concept, and i like the music, sound effect and art. You should have a quit button and a controls page in game, but it's a short time to make a game, so i respect it. Overall good game

So sorry I haven't replied to any of the awesome feedback, I left for a holiday a couple days before the jam ended so I didn't have time to reply.(I just copy pasted this lol). And you are ofc right, it needs a quit button, the reason it doesn't have one is that i planned making it a WebGL build but something went wrong and i didnt have time to add a quit button. I also planned on making a tutorial (but eh, you see how that went).

I really liked that, I love the art style, it is beautiful! Only comments I really have are that you could include an exit button and a level selection screen after you lose just so not all progress is lost. I hope you have a great day and good luck making games, keep it up, you're doing amazing!!

So sorry I haven't replied to any of the awesome feedback, I left for a holiday a couple days before the jam ended so I didn't have time to reply. And you are ofc right, it needs a quit button, the reason it doesn't have one is that i planned making it a WebGL build but something went wrong and i didnt have time to add a quit button. (just copy pasted from another reply lool). Thanks for awesome feedback, really appreciate it. And good luck to you too!